Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 13, 2016 1:00 AM

I just received two letters from Heather Scott in the mail. She says she has accomplished much in her time in the Legislature. Other than getting the “no parking” signs removed on Highway 2 and the open carry law passed, I don’t see anything else.

She says she wants educated voters but she opposes public education, she does not support heath care reform for veterans or anyone else and she wants government out of our lives. She is part of government and should be working to change what is wrong with it not inciting armed confrontation with it. She wants the state to control our public lands but isn’t that government?

We need someone in the Legislature to pay attention to our safety and concerns not their anti-everything agenda. Government can do great things but only if the people we elect are diligent in their jobs.

Heather Scott is not that person. Check out her latest, the “redoubt” movement, a haven for armed separatists.


Clark Fork