Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 18, 2016 1:00 AM

1. Under pressure in Boise to pass laws which violate our Constitution, they stood firm.

A section of Idaho’s Constitution violates the U.S. Constitution and changes need to happen but a legislative body may not make laws which violate the state constitution. We hire them to “follow” the state constitution and if theirs a problem with it “bring it to the people to change” they should never violate the constitution, be it national or state. A few had the courage to keep voting “no” to those laws which violated their oath and our trust. Heather Scott and Sage Dixon stood firm against these laws proving without a doubt our constitutions are worth protecting.

2. Under pressure in Boise to give favoritism to special interest nonprofits over treating all equal.

We all say we want equality but when we look at our laws some nonprofits pay sales taxes, some don’t. It’s not the government’s place to give favoritism to one group over another but that’s what we get in Boise. Only a few brave legislators stood firm with a “no” vote, Heather and Sage stood up for real equality.

3. Under pressure in Boise, Heather took the time to stand with a local vet.

As the fed and media tried portraying a disabled vet unsuited to keep his firearms, Heather negotiated and brought public pressure forcing the fed to backed down.

These are examples of why I trust them to keep up the pressure in Boise and on Keough to ‘FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION.

