Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 18, 2016 1:00 AM

The “silly season” has declined into the sadly sorry stench-filled season. Locally we are hearing that campaign signs of an incumbent elected official are disappearing and that door-to-door campaigners for the challenger are spreading falsehoods and exaggerations daily. Soon we’ll likely hear that some people have contrived phony instances about being scowled at or having their “space” threatened. Neither will be as bad as learning that an incumbent Republican is providing advice to the challenger of a fellow Republican. Small wonder though that the national political scene smells even more repugnant.

The candidate for one party seems about as rude, crude, ungentlemanly and uncouth as a man who is 70 can be. The candidate for the other party is about as scheming, deceptive, lying, corrupt and money-grubbing as a woman in her 60s can be. Both candidates seem to be driven by a ruthless ambition that castes a dark pallor on everyone around them.

The ugliness of the local and national elections should not discourage voters into not voting. Despite the national broadcasters dwelling on the social weaknesses of the male candidate while glossing over the security risks and ineptitudes of the female candidate, the real power in our democratic republic is with the voters. Not voting makes it easier for the other party to win. Voting enables your opinion to be stated. Fight the urge to quit. Even if the other candidate wins, at least your conscience can rest on your action.

