Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 18, 2016 1:00 AM

Why do more than 80 percent of Americans say that America is on the wrong track? (New York Times/ CBS poll).

The immigration system has been corrupted by selective enforcement of existing constitutional laws by this administration. The border is still not secure. Illegal aliens are being registered to vote.

The investigation of “Fast and Furious” was stopped by the the FBI. The IRS is still harassing and stonewalling conservative organizations, in spite of attempts by Congress to remove their leader.

The head of the Justice Department, Loretta Lynch, met with Bill Clinton the day before Hillary Clinton’s interview with the FBI. This clandestine meeting resulted in the Attorney General ducking the decision to recommend a grand jury to investigate Clinton’s security violations. The FBI chief laid out all of her violations and then failed to do his duty to let a grand jury decide her guilt. Everyone of us was threatened by her recklessness.

The Clinton Foundation made a fortune selling access and influence while Hillary acted as Secretary of State. Corruption has infected every function of this government. Healthcare, education, the economy, even the election process is tainted. The mainstream media has aided and abetted this total corruption of all facets of the Obama/Clinton administration.

Imagine what this government will deteriorate into if Hillary is somehow elected.

Do we have the backbone to correct it?

