Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 19, 2016 1:00 AM

If you are a member of the redoubt community, the alt right or the tea party, then you don’t need to read this letter since I know I can say nothing to change your minds about the value of Heather Scott’s representation of your interests. So, I am talking to the rest of you, both Democrat and Republican.

Kate McAlister represents the community you and I live in, the community not driven by fear and paranoia; the community that knows that the Second Amendment is the law of the land and that no president could ever come to take your guns and that we need good, safe schools for our kids today and tomorrow.

Our community, her community, understands that the federal government is not the Evil Empire, that individual states cannot afford to control the vast lands held by the government for the use of all citizens and that knows fighting the government on issues that cannot be won is a terrible waste of our limited financial resources.

Kate understands how to work with all viewpoints and come to agreement because she has vast experience in doing so. She is an Idaho centrist, not an Idaho extremist. I want representation by someone who won’t run, wrapped in the American flag and waving a gun, to the latest attempt to thumb a nose at the federal government. I want sane, deliberate representation which won’t, once again, make Idaho a national laughing stock. I want the moderation, intelligence and experience of Kate McAlister.

