Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 23, 2016 1:00 AM

Here’s another request to use your common sense in this election season. I would urge you to look past the “sound bites” and get the whole story.

Those opposing Representative Scott claim that she voted against parents being able to collect child-support from out of country delinquent spouses because of some “fear mongering” regarding Sharia law. Are any of you out there familiar with Sharia law? Are you aware it is being used in this country already? Please look it up Any non-Muslim American man, or especially woman, should be opposed to being held to Sharia law. It is not “Islamophobia” to not want to be subject to Sharia law. It is common sense.

Don’t let name calling discourage you from standing your ground and using your brain … and your voice. The measure Rep. Scott voted against was poorly written. In cases like those it is best to vote the measure down and send it back to be rewritten with better language. Whenever something has a short timeline, and is being pushed through, ask yourself why … why are they trying to push this through so quickly? We do not want any loopholes written into legislation allowing authorities to use Sharia law in this country.

Our country has developed the laws we have based on our Constitution and the needs of our citizens over the last 200-plus years. We do not want any foreign body or foreign laws having control of our citizens superseding our own laws. Those bodies have ideals contrary to our country’s established laws and freedoms.

Rep. Scott’s opponents call it “fear-mongering,” I call it wise leadership to watch out for our citizens.

Heather Scott is working hard to protect our freedoms as Americans. Please vote to re-elect Rep. Heather Scott.

