Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| October 25, 2016 1:00 AM

There is nothing wrong with District 1 that what’s right with District 1 can’t make so much better. And that is why we support Kate McAlister for District 1A state representative.

Kate is doing an exceptional job as president of the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce to nourish the business community through the chamber’s many activities. An active volunteer in our area, she brings a reasoned and compassionate common sense to every project. As vice chairperson of the Forrest M. Bird Charter School board of directors, Kate is an obvious champion of quality education in our area. As a vital member of Angels Over Sandpoint, Kate has helped the Angels raise over $1 million to assist community members with their own budgetary challenges.

Kate cares deeply for all of our District 1 citizens and will serve us well.

