Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 27, 2016 1:00 AM

I am an 81-year-old born Democrat. Back in those days the Democrats were, I believe, good for America. However, by the time I was 40 years old, I realized that the Democrats were becoming power hungry and dishonest. I could also see that there was a powerful force in the Democratic Party which was hellbent on bringing America down. I wondered, what better way to accomplish this than to raise up an individual to complete the task?

This individual should be someone young, intelligent, and capable of brain-washing the American public. This brought to mind President Obama. I have no idea where he was born, or where he came from. But he is intelligent, he became a lawyer, he knows how to work with the people (community organizer) and he is a minority. I watched Obama very closely during his first presidential campaign and I thought then that he was pro-Muslim. I have not changed my mind. My question is, does he follow the Quran? If he does, he is a danger to America. Even if he is not a militant follower of the Quran, he has still managed to weaken America through non-religious means such as the economy. What better way to weaken America than to open the borders, execute a financially staggering stimulus package, and a failing health care project in the Affordable Care Act, designed to funnel all Americans into a single-payer insurance program effectively killing the private insurance sector and price competition?

By law, Obama cannot run for a third term but he has found his successor in Hillary Clinton. She has already made clear what she will do when she becomes president: more of what President Obama did.

Win, lose, or draw, I am voting for Donald Trump. At least he is a business man, not a crooked lawyer, and I believe he can turn the country around.

