Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| October 28, 2016 1:00 AM

Scott’s only agenda is to help constituents

There have been many letters to this newspaper in regards to Heather Scott. I would like to go on the record in favor of Heather.

Heather is an honest, reliable Idaho resident. She loves this state and those of us who live here. Her supporters are residents of North Idaho. Those who can afford to, give her donations to run her re-election campaign. We, too, are regular folks who just want to keep our constitutional freedoms. Her only “agenda” is to help us to do so. She has stood up for us while in office. During her tenure, she has refused to bow down to the powers that are trying to take our state over. Lobbyists have tried and failed to “buy” her vote. However, integrity cannot be bought.

As to Kate McAlister, I do not know much about her. Her “bulk mailing” was strong on broad promises but weak on information about who she is. I found out that she is a Democrat, not by her election mailing, but by the information on my mail-in ballot.

My question to Kate is two-fold:

Kate’s campaign has been rife with gossip and lying whispers but short on facts. Is this the type of person we want to represent us?

Idaho folks are hard-working, honest, family people. Heather, also, is an honest, hard-working woman who has our interests in mind.

Let’s reward her for her faithful service and re-elect her to another term as our District 1 State Representative. She has proven her loyalty to us.

