Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vote for Kate McAlister to save North Idaho

| October 30, 2016 1:00 AM

Dear concerned citizens of Idaho Legislative District 1:

I’m writing to share my support for Kate McAlister in her campaign for State Representative 1-A and excited to ask you to vote for her. But I’m also writing to share my fears about the future of our end of the state. I’m writing to tell everyone willing to listen that they should fear Heather Scott and the redoubt movement.

I’ve lived in Idaho most of my life and have always been proud of our heritage and connection to our state that has a reputation for rugged individualism and independence. We have always been the home of unique characters that value our privacy and personal freedoms. Famous and infamous characters like Buckskin Billy, Polly Bemis, Ed Pulaski or Patrick McManus are some of these notable individuals I feel represent our state and some of these values.

We have always welcomed and been aware of citizens who have moved to Idaho specifically for our freedoms and land. We have always respected their opinions and right to live their lives as they choose while following our state and federal constitutions and their respective laws. But the redoubt movement, which is the latest wave of immigrants to come to North Idaho, have come organized to not only use Idaho for our freedoms and land, but also to take over our state and local governments.

When I first heard of them I assumed it was another conspiracy theory and legend like random evil clown sightings. But when Heather Scott, our current District 1-A representative announced on the redoubt news website that she was calling them to action to stop an historic Idaho timberland owner from receiving payment for not developing their private property and continue to provide well-paying jobs in the timber industry, I became aware of the connection … and of the danger to our community and way of life.

Thankfully my friend and role model, Kate McAlister has taken it upon herself to stop Heather Scott and the redoubt movement. She is selflessly sacrificing her personal time and herself to stand up against this latest wave of carpet-baggers that think the proud, reasonable citizens of North Idaho and District One will bend to their will.

Kate is running to represent all of District 1, not just the people that vote for her and their self-serving interests and conspiracies. She is running to add to Senator Shawn Keough’s track record of bringing reasonable and sensible government to Boise. She is running to make sure that our kids get ready for their future in our education system, that our infrastructure is ready to provide for more economic growth and we can all have a shot at a job in North Idaho that pays enough that we can afford to live here. She is running to move Boundary County, Bonner County and The State of Idaho into the future, not back to one-room school houses and mud roads.

Please vote for Kate McAlister for our Idaho Legislative District 1-A Representative on Nov. 8 and save North Idaho!

