Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| September 4, 2016 1:00 AM

Is Hillary Clinton fit to be president? I recommend every adult read “Crisis of Character” by Gary J. Byrne, former White House Secret Service officer. He tells of Hillary’s nicey-nice public face, and her “obscenity laced tirades,” when she and Bill had fights, heard down the halls of the White House. Hillary says Trump doesn’t have “the temperament” to have his hand on the nuclear button, does she? Her security clearance has been compromised because of her unsecured email servers, and is she physically capable of being president? Television has shown her falling, being helped — almost drugged — up steps, and some odd, uncontrollable head jerking.

When Bill was governor of Arkansas, they were involved in the Whitewater Development scandal. The feds were investigating charges of money laundering and coverups. People connected with the Clintons — “friends,” business associates, and government witnesses — met with mysterious deaths: accidents, “suicides” and unsolved shootings.

It’s been said Donald Trump isn’t fit to be president because years ago he allegedly bragged about his affairs. What about White House officials sneaking women in to Jack Kennedy? What about Monica Lewinsky and the many others that Clinton had affairs with? They actually carried on their affairs in the White House while they were president. If Hillary is elected, Bill will be back in the White House. He’s brought enough shame and disgrace to it already.

Hillary lied about Benghazi, she lied about her emails. And there’s more. Read Gary Byrne’s book. You won’t like what you read, you may deny it. But read it.

