Saturday, June 01, 2024

SASi seeks donations

News editor | September 4, 2016 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The Sandpoint Area Seniors Inc. could use a little from its friends.

The center is running short on cash and is need of donations to keep from laying off staff, according to board member Bruce Wendle.

“We don’t have anything on the front burner and it’s a problem,” said Wendle.

The group feeds 2,000 senior citizens each month.

“For some, that’s the only meal they have during the day,” Wendle said.

The group also provides dementia care, respite for caregivers, therapeutic activities and exercise programs

Wendle said SASi encountered a dry spell in donations and may not have another donation lined up until October and even that one is not a lock.

“It is really tough making our payroll,” said Wendle.

Wendle said the SASi is constantly raising funds through rummage and food sales down at City Beach, but it never seems to be enough to carry the group through lean times.

Those interested in donating are asked to call SASi Director Ellen Weissman at 265-8127. Donations can also be sent to SASi, 820 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID. 83864.

For more information, visit SASi online at