Saturday, June 01, 2024

ITA sets work on the Boulder Meadows Trail

| September 6, 2016 1:00 AM

The Idaho Trails Association will be doing repair and general maintenance worak on Friday, Sept. 9, on the Boulder Meadows Trail in the Bonners Ferry District of the Idaho Panhandle National Forest.

Volunteers will be digging water drainage ditches, installing water bars, and replacing soil that has been washed off the trail.

The section of the Boulder Meadows trail that volunteers will work on is about a mile up the trail from the car parking area. This section of the Boulder Meadows trail is part of the 900-mile long Idaho Centennial Trail, which runs from the Nevada border on the south to American Falls on the north, just below the Canadian border.

Volunteers will use hand tools provided by the association to do light work. Everyone should bring work gloves, eye protection, sturdy shoes, lunch, and water. For those who would like to car pool, details will be provided when volunteers sign up.

Area residents are invited to come out and help the group keep this beautiful non-motorized trail in good shape. Please sign up online website at

Information: Tom Dabrowski, 208-263-6854