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UI offers course on secure programming

| September 6, 2016 1:00 AM

A three-day course in secure programming will be offered in November at the University of Idaho in Moscow.

Presented by IT Training Solutions in partnership with the University of Idaho’s Cybersecurity Training and Operations Center, the course is described as a “must-have for all developers.”

It will take place Nov. 2-4 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The course cost is $2,200. For early registrants who sign up by Oct. 3, the price is $2,100.

The program is designed to teach developers how to identify vulnerabilities and code flaws while correcting underlying issues. Each student will take on the role of an attacker and see the security of their environment from the outside. As vulnerabilities and flaws arise, the student moves into demonstrating how the Open Web Application Security Project provides developers with the tools to successfully develop applications that are difficult to hack.

For more information, visit

For more information about the Cybersecurity Training and Operations Center, visit