Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| September 8, 2016 1:00 AM

This election we have a clear choice in District 1A for state representative. We can vote for leadership, collaboration, and results for North Idaho … that would be Kate McAlister.

Or we can vote for Heather Scott who has only served herself, her ideology, and the Redoubt movement.

As a registered Republican, I am going to step over the line and vote for Kate, who is a Democrat. She has a proven track record of doing well by North Idaho. Scott, who calls herself a Republican, has not served either the party or North Idaho.

I call on all Republicans in District 1 to step over the line and vote leadership over party affiliation. Let’s have a little courage. None of us will melt. Not in District 1? Then volunteer, donate money or time. Come on. We all benefit from good leadership. I say vote Kate!

