Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| September 13, 2016 1:00 AM

The existence of the Sandpoint Senior Center is threatened by lack of funds. The center serves 2000 meals per month to seniors at the center and through Meals on Wheels. For some it is their only meal of the day.

The center also provides dementia care, respite for caregivers, therapeutic activities and exercise programs.

At present, there is no state or federal funding for the center, which exists mostly on donations and grants. This precarious financial situation doesn’t work well for long-term planning, and it is stressful for the hard-working staff. What is needed is for at least 10 people to donate approximately $1,000 per month to keep this essential service open. The Center must have predictable income.

Anyone can make donations small, medium and large, through the donation button on the center’s website

An endowment would be wonderful. Can you, or do you know someone who could do an endowment that would generate regular monthly interest income?

Helping the senior center is a really important charitable act you can do. The baby boomers are becoming seniors. We need to keep the Sandpoint Senior Center going. Please open your hearts and wallets. Now, please.

Oh, and come to the yard sale at the Center, 820 Main St., on Friday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Buy great stuff or make a $$ donation in person, and meet the terrific staff and board. Mark your calendar.

