Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| September 18, 2016 1:00 AM

Hillary is dishonest, deceitful and completely untrustworthy. Hillary is a proven liar many times over and is never to be believed. Hillary wasn’t criminally charged in the email scandal because of her political influence and Hillary destroyed the most incriminating emails before the investigation.

In view of her record as Secretary of State. I don’t see how any veteran could vote for her. While Secretary of State, Hillary’s actions proved her incompetent and with an utter disregard for national security. As Secretary of State, Hillary swore to protect and defend our Constitution. Hillary’s involvement in the Iran ransom payment and her decision not to defend the Benghazi Embassy violated this oath and did irreparable damage to U.S. security and credibility. This decision resulted in the destruction of the Benghazi embassy and the massacre of the embassy’s staff and should’ve been prevented.

Hillary is an avid anti-gun advocate and works diligently to destroy the Second Amendment and the U.S. Constitution by any means available, including the U.N. Small Arms Treaty now before the U.S. Senate for ratification.

If Hillary is elected president we’ll surely have a continuation of the last eight years of irresponsible leadership

