Saturday, June 01, 2024

Life is short

| September 29, 2016 1:00 AM

You hear the expression, “life is short” or “life is fleeting.” For those of us that are senior citizens, this is certainly true. It seems like life has gone by very fast.

We remember things and then say, “Hey that was 50 years ago.” For young people they think, life will go on forever, but it certainly isn’t so. For us old folks, we think about things we used to do, like climb mountains, or run up and down a basketball court and we simply can’t do it anymore.

We think of what our fathers and grandfathers witnessed. Such things as the coming of the automobile, the invention of airplanes, two world wars, and landing on the moon. In this day and age we have witnessed the age of computers and cell phones. We can only wonder what the 8 to 10 year olds are going to see in their lifetimes, long after we are gone. We can only pray that they will see good things. In closing, I guess I could say, “that’s life.”


Priest River