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Fitchett resigns as SHS head baseball coach

| September 30, 2016 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Sandpoint baseball head coach Scott Fitchett tendered his resignation this week, ending a three-year stint stewarding a program that had fallen on hard times.

Fitchett won just two games in the first year, then 11 the next, and nine last season, as the Bulldogs were one run away from advancing to state.

“I feel I left it in a better place than I found it. I’m proud of watching the kids become competitive, watching them grow as people and baseball players,” said Fitchett of his tenure. “I feel they can step on the field with anyone and hold their head up high.”

Fitchett teaches sociology and psychology at Sandpoint, and opportunity came up recently for him to become the student ministry leader at Cedar Hills Church. Between that, teaching and raising a family, Fitchett didn’t feel he had enough to give, and admits to having an existential crisis about coaching in general.

“I love the times I spent with the kids,” said Fitchett, eager to try something new as a youth minister. “At this time in my life, I felt this opportunity is the one I should try.”

Fitchett wished to thank assistant coaches Matt Thompson and Ricky Klontz, Jeff Johnson and Idaho Forest Group, as well as countless others in Sandpoint. With thriving little league and club programs, and some returning talent already in the program, baseball in Sandpoint is on an upswing.

“I’m thankful for the community support,” said Fitchett. “They gave me all the support I could ever need.”

While he’s sad to lose a baseball coach, Sandpoint athletic director Kris Knowles is equally happy that Fitchett plans to continue to teach at SHS.

“He’s a fantastic teacher. He’s so good for kids. I’m happy that he’s staying on teaching with us,” praised Knowles. “The way he connects with kids is really special. We’ll miss his connection with the kids.”