Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 2, 2017 1:00 AM

It appears we have at least one redoubter registered in the Lake Pend Oreille School District trustee election coming up in May. Anita Perry, a contributor to the Redoubt News, is registered in Zone 5 seeking to replace Steve Youngdahl.

A quick search of her contributions to the Redoubt News returns titles such as: “It’s School Levy Time! … And Media Collusion Is In Full Swing.” (I urge you to visit the site: it is as entertaining as the Onion, except that they are not trying to be funny.)

I have no problem with these people living off the grid and preparing for the end of days, I just don’t want them doing it with our school system and our kids. Voters, please, examine the candidates for the LPOSD trustee election. Some of them appear to have only one agenda item: to disrupt the progress we have been fortunate to have had in the LPOSD.

