Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| April 6, 2017 1:00 AM

The Alzheimer’s Association’s 2017 Facts and Figures report found a soaring prevalence, lack of effective treatment and enormous costs for Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

In Idaho, we now have over 24,000 people living with Alzheimer’s and more than 81,000 family members providing their care. The 5.5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s will grow to almost 16 million by 2050.

The federal government has been making progress towards shining light on Alzheimer’s and other dementias, having doubled the small research budget in the last three years. Congress requires the National Institutes of Health scientists to submit a professional judgment budget each fiscal year to help guide the size of funding for Alzheimer’s research.

I urge Congressman Raul Labrador, Sen. Mike Crapo and Sen. Jim Risch to support the scientists’ recommendation of a $414 million increase in Alzheimer’s research. This increase will help achieve the national goal of a treatment for Alzheimer’s by 2025.

I care about this because I have experienced this disease firsthand as I watched as my Mom suffered from, and lost, her battle with Alzheimer’s. We need to find a cure so we can stop this horrific disease now.

Visit or call 800-272-3900 to learn more and get involved with the fight against Alzheimer’s.


St. Maries