Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 20, 2017 1:00 AM

I am amazed that our well-educated, brilliant Daily Bee staff chose to put a letter in the paper that denounces our Founding Fathers, who created one of the greatest nations in the world for well over 200 years. Bias? Oh, freedom of the press. Thank you Founding Fathers.

The Electoral College allows states with less populations to have a vote in our elections. With the popular vote, states like California and New York would always control who the president would be. Thank you Founding Fathers for the Electoral College.

Putting down our elected President Trump and hoping he fails looks counterproductive to the health of our nation. Remember the United States Civil War? Using words like chicanery, disenfranchised and riffraff may make liberals, or whoever, look intelligent, but also unintelligent of what our Founding Fathers did for our glorious, honorable United States.

Hillary used the word "deplorables." Smart lady. She knows who her adversaries were and are. Hmm, riffraff; wow. Liberals will never change, so why even try and awake them to the greatness of our Founding Fathers of our great nation, the United States of America. God bless America. God bless our vets.

