Saturday, June 01, 2024

7B Women welcome Nelson to meeting

| April 21, 2017 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The 7B Women, a committee of the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, invite you to attend their May luncheon on Tuesday, May 2, at Tango Café in the Columbia Bank Center. The luncheon will begin at 11:45 a.m.

The speaker for the luncheon is Dr. Tony Nelson, author of “Crazy Life: Navigating Through Life’s Disruptions Without Losing Your Faith”, due to be released in late May.

Heather Mehra-Pedersen, co-founder of BookCrossing, Inc. states that the book is “an out-of-the-box work that taps the intellect emphasizing God’s very deliberate hand in the crazy part of our lives … Tony weaves together a wonderful word picture of hope for the hurting and a sharper glimpse of a God who is always working behind the scenes.”

Nelson is well known to many in Sandpoint. He has more than 30 years of pastoral experience as a senior pastor and recently concluded 22 years as a pastor at First Christian Church in Sandpoint.

Under his leadership, the church grew in attendance from 130 to 650 in weekend services, while connecting to over 1,000 people through the church’s varied ministries.

Dr. Nelson currently serves as regional director for church planting in the Inland Northwest and recently launched Refuge-Idaho, an outdoors-oriented pastoral care ministry.

The topic is one that is sure to benefit everyone, no matter if they are religious or not. The 7B Women luncheon is open to everyone in the community, both men and women.

The cost is $20 or $15 for chamber members. Pre-registration is highly encouraged.

If people would like an opportunity to promote their business at the luncheon, they are asked to bring an item to raffle and will be given a “minute with the mic” at the conclusion of the luncheon.

Information: Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, 208-263-2161 or