Saturday, June 01, 2024

SHS teen honored for community, school efforts

by Mackenzie Packer Contributing Writer
| April 26, 2017 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The Credit 2 Kids award acknowledges the amazing work local teens do throughout their community, and Sandpoint High School junior Jennifer Maddux recently received that honor.

Hosted by the Student Teacher Credit Union and KREM-2, six area students are chosen throughout the school year to receive the award. Maddux was awarded $500 to use at SHS in any program she chooses.

"I'm still debating where to put the money because I'm so involved in many different things, and I see that it can be put to good use in many different places," Maddux said. "So I am going to talk to Tom Albertson and ask him where it is most needed and put it where he suggests."

SHS counselor Jeralyn Mire, Idaho's 2016 counselor of the year, nominated Maddux for the award after seeing how she is always willing to step up and help anyone.

"I see her everywhere and she shows up everywhere and helps everyone with anything, whether it be with mentors and Interact, or with the Rotary Club," Mire said.

Maddux is the vice president of Interact, secretary treasurer of National Honors Society, involved in Math Club and is a peer mentor.

"I enjoy working with my peers and helping people make their high school experience the best that it can be because I have had a great time in high school and love being involved," Maddux said.

Maddux felt surprised but awkward when she won the award.

"I was really surprised and felt really good for the recognition, but I didn't really want to be on TV; that was a little awkward," Maddux said. "It's nice to have the spotlight for a second, but also scary at the same time."

The Credit 2 Kids team came to the school on April 20 to honor her achievements and broadcasted the announcement live. Along with the award of $500 to use within the school, Maddux will also be entered to win the Credit 2 Kids grand prize, which is $5,000 to use at SHS.