Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| April 27, 2017 1:00 AM

I am amazed at the total lack of constructive criticism/outrage over how the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office is processing/handling the murder investigation in Hope. Many of the details that have been published are facts only the killer would know. Seems the only competent people on scene were the medical first responders. Not informing the public? Very little to do with public safety and more to do with not knowing what to do (preparation for) in a situation such as this. A simple press release would have both informed the public and preserved intel. Seizing the dispatch logs says volumes.

Doubly amazed at the speed the sheriff declared a person the killer, describe him as “armed and dangerous,” which is basically code these days for shoot him if he moves.

Triply amazed for the lack of outrage concerning the sheriff seizing the home of an innocent man for “evidence”? Ever hear of the Fourth Amendment? Who signed off on the warrant if one was even obtained? What “facts” were used to obtain the warrant?

I guess attacking a person because they are mentally challenged is OK with the sheriff and the citizens of Bonner County.


Moyie Springs