Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| April 30, 2017 1:00 AM

Dear Citizens,

I strongly support the school board candidacy of Anita Perry in Zone 5. Unquestionably, she will excel in representing the interests of educators, taxpayers, and students alike in majority conservative Bonner County.

Anita’s background, education (Bachelor of Arts from Cal-State), employment, and community involvement over the years make her an ideal candidate. Her twenty years of managerial experience at Cal State, San Bernardino working in the School of Education alone is irreplaceable. Coupled with her extensive experience in community affairs she is the ideal candidate.

That Bonner County is a proud bastion of wholesome, all-American conservative values is undeniable; Republican State Representative Heather Scott’s stunning victory against a committed alt-left Democrat in the recent election bears witness. Anita is the quintessential concerned citizen, sharp, possessed of unquestioned integrity, and a fighter for women’s rights. She is one of the most astute women I have ever met in the arena of human politics, a natural in public service. She will get it right for all concerned parties.

My fellow citizens, vote for Anita Perry in Zone 5.

One man’s opinion.


Spirit Lake