Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Inside Edge - Shiffrin on fire

by Shep Snow For Bee
| December 7, 2017 12:00 AM

n She’s everywhere — Mikaela Shiffrin is hands down the best female ski racer in the World, and possibly the most dominant athlete as well. So this week our intrepid Slalom ace decided to dabble in the speed events at Lake Louise, and came away with Gold and Bronze in the two Downhills, plus an impressive fifth place in Super G. This girl does it all. Our ladies showed depth in the speed events, with Jacqui Wiles posting Downhill finishes of fifth and 23rd, Breezy Johnson placing 10th and Stacey cook 11th and 6th. Lindsey Vonn’s return from injury remains frustrating. She only finished one of the three races, posting 12th in the second Downhill.

While the ladies tackled Lake Louise, the Men headed South to Beaver Creek and the fabled Birds of Prey Downhill. Bryce Bennet was the top US downhiller, finishing 21st. The top US finisher in Super G was Andrew Weibrecht with 21st. Ted Ligety was in second place after the first Giant Slalom run, and appeared postured for a podium. However he skied a round line the second run and dropped into 7th place. Tommy Ford was the only other American in the GS points, finishing 11th. The team heads back to Europe this week, with the Women at St Moritz and the Men at Val d’Isere.

n Junior Race Series sign-up — Fliers for the January Independence Junior Race Series are at the local ski shops. This popular series features free coaching, lots of prizes, lots of kids and lots of fun. There’s been no change in the cost for 17 years. Racers meet four Friday evenings in January from 5:30 until 7 p.m. No excuses, come join the fun. Historically there is an 80 percent participant return rate, so register now. Forms are at the Alpine Shop and Sandpoint Sports, or can be downloaded at

n Potpourri — Pray for lots of snow. Any comments, recommendations or contributions to this column may be sent to Shep Snow by e-mail at Negative feedback should be sent to someone else.

The Inside Edge runs every Thursday during ski season in the Bee sports.