Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| December 14, 2017 12:00 AM

I am taking pen to paper to state my opinion on a retailer in our community. This business is located in beautiful (downtown) Sandpoint ...

The store has very vulgar and inappropriate language on their merchandise. There are no restrictions posted regarding not being appropriate for minors. This allows children to be exposed to the sexual and vulgar language used on the store's merchandise.

In our society today, we are being inundated with the same vulgarity and sexual exposure in our music, movies and video games. I have to ask what we are teaching our children. Have our morals sunk so low that we as parents can not or will not protect our children from this content?

I will not accept this as a normal thing to happen in our community just because it is a business. We parents and grandparents should not support anything like this in our homes and community. I feel it certainly is not representative of Sandpoint or the residents to our tourists.

I ask you stand with me and have an "age appropriate" sign posted on this store, warning the community and tourists of the store's contents.

I know in my heart that we are better than this.

