Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Inside Edge - Santa to hit Schweitzer

by Shep Snow For Bee
| December 21, 2017 12:00 AM

Merry Christmas! ‘Tis the season, and Santa’s ready to bring it on. Ski with him and the Missus this weekend on the fresh powder at Schweitzer.

n Vonn returns to the podium — Lindsey Vonn was in great form last week, notching her 78th World Cup victory in the Super G at Val d’Isere. She was followed by Alice McKennis in 22nd and young Alice Merryweather in 24th. McKennis posted a career best 15th place in the second Super G, followed by Jackie Wiles in 17th.

One the Men’s side, Jared Goldberg posted a career best 9th in Downhill at Val Gardenia, Italy, narrowly edging out Bryce Bennet in 10th place. Ted Ligety took a big step in his return from last year’s injury with a fifth place Giant Slalom victory in Alt Badia, Italy. Tommy Ford finished 17th.

n Local girl takes big steps in Nordic world — Annaby Kanning represented Sandpoint in the first Junior National Qualifier (JNQ) race series for the Pacific Northwest Division last weekend at Mt Bachelor Nordic Center in Oregon. These JNQ races are used to determine who will be selected to represent the Pacific NW at Nationals in March. Kanning made a strong showing, finishing 7th in the U16 division in Saturday’s classic ski race. She also finished 6th in the skate ski race on Sunday.

n Junior Race Series sign-up — Time is running out folks, as registration closes on Jan. 1. Fliers for the January Independence Junior Race Series are at the local ski shops. This popular series features free coaching, lots of prizes, lots of kids and lots of fun. There’s been no change in the cost for 17 years. Racers meet four Friday evenings in January from 5:30 until 7 p.m. Come join the fun. Forms are at the Alpine Shop and Sandpoint Sports, or can be downloaded at

n Potpourri — Pray for lots of snow. Any comments, recommendations or contributions to this column may be sent to Shep Snow by email at Negative feedback should be sent to someone else.

The Inside Edge runs every Thursday during ski season in the Daily Bee.