Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 1, 2017 12:00 AM

Democrat Rep. John Lewis, an enormously self-important civil rights activist, stated Trump was not a “legitimate” president, so he, Lewis, boycotted the inauguration. Around 60 other Democrat representatives followed his lead. How pathetic. I’ll just take my ball and go home.

News flash Mr. Lewis: Trump, our 45th president, won in a constitutionally dictated manner. Our presidential inaugurations are the political equivalent of baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, and are a hallmark of our exceptional constitutional republic, which Mr. Lewis seems not to comprehend.

As a conservative independent I must tell you this juvenile performance by the congressional Democrats has caused me to change ground. I will not vote for any future Democrat presidential candidate, period.

God bless America, and God bless our military.

The Russians made me write this.

