Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 1, 2017 12:00 AM

The cartoon on the Opinion page of Sunday’s Daily Bee (Jan. 22, 2017) was a perfect example of liberal media bias and deliberate deception.

The cartoon depicts a man and woman sitting on a couch watching President Trump’s inaugural speech. The man comments in unbelief, “That’s it? A TWEET?!” The woman replies, “Well, he did say he’d keep it short…”

According to the website, Twitter Developer Documentation (http//, “Twitter limits tweet length to 140 characters …” Think letters, punctuation marks, and the type of computer program used in the submission.

Yet the President’s speech was not in characters, but in actual words — 1,433 in fact. And it lasted 16 minutes. That is hardly the same thing as a tweet — not even close.

And another thing; the President did not read his speech from a cell phone as the cartoonist seemed to indicate. That was just more liberal deception.

The cartoon proves that the liberal media wants to advance their political agenda regardless of whether it costs them their integrity or reputation. They are so upset that their candidate lost that they will stoop to any level to make President Trump look bad.

The question we must ponder now is why did the Daily Bee print it, and on a Sunday when the largest number of readers would see it?

