Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bee Super Bowl Challenge Master List

| February 5, 2017 12:00 AM

SANDPOINT — A total of 81 people entered the Bee Super Bowl Challenge, with $100 in cash awarded to the winner, determined by the criteria listed below.

A total of 49 picked the Falcons, while just 32 went with the favorite, testament to a general dislike of the Patriots.

The first scoring criteria is having the winning team. The second criteria is being closest to the final score of the two teams (for example: if you had Falcons 30, Patriots 20, and the final score is Falcons 31, Patriots 17, then you miss by four points).

The third criteria is Most Valuable Player. The fourth tie-breaking criteria, if needed, is closest to winning team, and fifth is closest to the losing team.

Thanks to all who stepped up and took the challenge, and enjoy the spectacle that is Super Bowl Sunday.

May the luckiest fan win.


Theresa Alderman Falcons 45, Patriots 42 Matt Ryan

Harold Hew Falcons 41, Patriots 31 Matt Ryan

Kevin Webber Falcons 41, Patriots 30 Matt Ryan

Eric Plummer Falcons 39, Patriots 19 Mohamed Sanu

Jim Holzer Falcons 38, Patriots 34 Matt Ryan

Susan Russell Falcons 38, Patriots 28 Julio Jones

Marty Perron Falcons 38, Patriots 24 Matt Ryan

Ellen Bash Falcons 37, Patriots 31 Julio Jones

Steve Anderson Falcons 37, Pats 31 Matt Ryan

James Mize Falcons 37, Patriots 30 Matt Ryan

Peter Smith III Falcons 36, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Sadie Nitcy Falcons 36, Patriots 24 Julio Jones

Sharon Nale Falcons 35, Patriots 31 Julio Jones

Vaila Hew Falcons 35, Patriots 31 Matt Ryan

Don Helander Falcons 35, Patriots 29 Matt Ryan

Jen Plummer Falcons 35, Patriots 17 Julio Jones

Bill Temple Falcons 34, Patriots 31 Julio Jones

Teresa Nelson Falcons 34, Patriots 31 Julio Jones

Ranae Myers Falcons 34, Patriots 31 Matt Ryan

Josh Meyers Falcons 34, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Shane Stocking Falcons 34, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Autumn Brewington Falcons 34, Patriots 27 Matt Ryan

Amy Clark Falcons 34, Patriots 17 Matt Ryan

Frank Jurenka Falcons 33, Patriots 21 Matt Ryan

Paul Dubnicka Falcons 32, Patriots 17 Matt Ryan

Ron Perron Falcons 31, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Jake Plummer Falcons 31, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Helen Newton Falcons 31, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Julie Jurenka Falcons 31, Patriots 28 Matt Ryan

Jay VanDenBerg Falcons 31, Patriots 27 Matt Ryan

Wendy Thompson Falcons 31, Patriots 27 Matt Ryan

Jeff Myers Falcons 31, Patriots 27 Matt Ryan

Chad Russell Falcons 31, Patriots 21 Matt Ryan

Kody MacDonald Falcons 30, Patriots 27 Julio Jones

Marc Hull Falcons 30, Patriots 23 Matt Ryan

Danette Mauck Falcons 30, Patriots 20 Matt Ryan

Louis Vigder Falcons 29, Patriots 27 Matt Ryan

Bonnie Mauck Falcons 28, Patriots 20 Matt Ryan

Dale Vanhorn Falcons 28, Patriots 24 Matt Ryan

Karie MacDonald Falcons 27, Patriots 24 Matt Ryan

John Hendricks Falcons 27, Patriots 24 Matt Ryan

Marcie Garcia Falcons 27, Patriots 21 Matt Ryan

April Clark Falcons 27, Patriots 21 Julio Jones

Roland Plummer Falcons 27, Patriots 19 Matt Ryan

Leslie Marshall Falcons 24, Patriots 21 Matt Ryan

K.C. MacDonald Falcons 27, Patriots 17 Properly Inflated Football

Sally Beyer Falcons 24, Patriots 21 Matt Ryan

Caroline Lobsinger Falcons 24, Patriots 21 Matt Bryant

Emily Jurenka Falcons 21, Patriots 17 Matt Ryan


Sam Nitcy Patriots 47, Falcons 22 Julian Edelman

Addi Brewington Patriots 42, Falcons 28 Tom Brady

John Nitcy Patriots 38, Falcons 17 Tom Brady

Wayne Clark Patriots 37, Falcons 20 Tom Brady

Alyssa Hew Patriots 35, Falcons 34 Tom Brady

Collin Jurenka Patriots 35, Falcons 31 Julian Edelman

Bill Jones Patriots 34, Falcons 31 James White

Adam Hodges Patriots 34, Falcons 27 Tom Brady

Stephanie Baumgartner Patriots 34, Falcons 28 Tom Brady

Chris the Mailman Patriots 34, Falcons 24 Tom Brady

Don Myers Patriots 34, Falcons 24 Tom Brady

Ken Blood Patriots 34, Falcons 23 Tom Brady

Jodi Brewington Patriots 34, Falcons 21 Tom Brady

Rick Dalessio Patriots 34, Falcons 17 Tom Brady

Declan Plummer Patriots 34, Falcons 17 Tom Brady

Alex Mauck Patriots 31, Falcons 28 Tom Brady

Tye Barlow Patriots 31, Falcons 27 Dion Lewis

Bob Bash Patriots 31, Falcons 24 LeGarrette Blount

Kade MacDonald Patriots 31, Falcons 24 Chris Hogan

Kim Woodruff Patriots 30, Falcons 27 Tom Brady

Leana Nitcy Patriots 29, Falcons 21 Tom Brady

Ron Mauck Patriots 28, Falcons 24 Tom Brady

Shep Snow Patriots 28, Falcons 24 Tom Brady

Erin LeVan Patriots 28, Falcons 14 Tom Brady

Ben Vanhorn Patriots 27, Falcons 24 Tom Brady

Cathy Clark Patriots 27, Falcons 19 Tom Brady

Winston Plummer Patriots 25, Falcons 24 Deion Branch

Rob Osborn Patriots 24, Falcons 23 Tom Brady

Barbara Buchanan Patriots 24, Falcons 14 Tom Brady

Natalie Mauck Patriots 20, Falcons 17 Julian Edelman

Sandy Maras Patriots 19, Falcons 17 Tom Brady

John Maras Patriots 19, Falcons 7 Tom Brady