Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 8, 2017 12:00 AM

The Lake Pend Oreille School Board’s notice of “informational meetings supplemental levy” is strikingly flabbergasting for the lack of common sense they have used to execute one of their most salient functions in the successful passage of a levy: informing the voter.

First, all of the meetings are being held during working hours.

Second, one has to make a reservation in order to attend because there is limited seating.

Third, each meeting place will have three sessions ranging in time from an hour and 1/2 to two hours.

This is nonsense. This is the school board. There is no excuse to not hold each meeting in a school auditorium where any number of voters may attend as they wish and should be able to hear all the questions and answers being asked and answered as are proffered at each place. This is merely one more of this board’s ill-intentioned and blatant attempts to obscure their mismanagement of funds in the past and grossly overstate their need for additional funds (and continue to pay bonuses to themselves, staff and “consultants.”)


East Hope