Saturday, June 01, 2024

Farmin leads Sandpoint at Noxon Trap Shoot

| February 9, 2017 12:00 AM

SAGLE — Tim Farmin scored a 43 (23/20), leading the Sandpoint Gun Club team to a score of 166 in the Noxon Shoot on Sunday, held in conjunction with the Spokesman Shoot.

Mike McKitrick shot a 42 (20/22), followed by Doug Bottcher 41 (25/16), Louis Dash 40 (24/16), Mike Williams 40 (19/21) and Dave Bannister 40 (20/20).

Linda Bottcher (17/17) and Barb Camps (18/16) shared high shooter honors with a pair of 34 to lead the women shooters.

Mike Hunter shot a 23 for the Spokesman Review shoot on Sunday, but was omitted from the results that ran in Wednesday’s Bee.