Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 10, 2017 12:00 AM

While respect must be shown for a public office, is respect due to someone elected to that office that sullies it? My thoughts were the same as Rick Miller’s; that our representative knew very well how to use sexual favors to get committee assignments. Our representative also cast a spotlight on the person receiving those favors in exchange for making the assignments. Since she made a fool of herself, no respect should be due to her; thus no apology from the publisher is necessary for printing Miller’s letter.

A far more disturbing letter was a recent My Turn column. The writer has a venomous hatred for the proposed levy by the Lake Pend Oreille School District, so much so that it appeared that he was manufacturing “facts” to ensure the failure of the levy. Before that letter was published, were his “facts” verified, and if not true, were they omitted or corrected?

A similar problem arises when letter writers state that Hillary Clinton is a liar, but fail to be specific about the lies.

