Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 15, 2017 12:00 AM

Over in Montana, they have the very fine U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke — Eagle Scout and SEAL Team 6 commander. Also, Rob O’Neill of the SEAL team that rid us of bin Laden hails from there. O’Neill’s take on waterboarding was “any torture you can walk away from is not torture.” In fact, more U.S. pilots on 9/11 had been waterboarded in SERE military training, than had terrorists.

Here in Idaho, we have Boise executive director of the Idaho Democrat Committee, who made national news a couple of weeks ago, ranting that “my job is to shut other white people down” and she will “make sure that white people get that they have privilege.” It looked like an SNL skit, but she is running for the DNC chair. No word on why she should be elected, with her privilege, over four minority candidates running. Racialist, identity politics like this, community organizing every one in to tribal camps of race, gender, etc. is the exact opposite of our motto — E Pluribus Unum, “Out of many, one.” It’s like the “Oppression Olympics” with each group trying to out do the next (and the creation of 63 gender types means there’s a lot of competition).

Another Idahoan, Bo Bergdahl, is alive while several other soldiers were killed searching for him. His freedom — a trade of five rotten apples (from Gitmo) for a rotten orange, was another Whitehouse photo op.

Sixteen countries have banned Israeli citizens from travel — where are the ranting protestors?

