Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 16, 2017 12:00 AM

As of late, I have heard a lot of animosity toward the upcoming LPOSD school board levy. A lot of the opposition seems to be centered around the superintendent’s salary. I have to say I whole heartedly disagree with this. Here is why:

1. LPOSD is the largest employer in Bonner county and has over 900 employees and 3,660 students. The duperintendent is basically the CEO of a company of 4,560 people. I don’t know of very many CEOs of companies this large and with 11 physical plants that are compensated with as little as his salary.

2. The superintendent of our school district is highly talented and very educated. To be able to lead an organization as large as this takes a lot of work and dedication. He could easily have taken all of this talents and hard work and put it into other things that have much larger salaries and many more benefits. Yet here he is because he believes in education and giving the best for the next generation of our community.

3. My final thought is we should vote for the levy because LPOSD is one of if not the most important thing we have in our community. The vitality of Bonner County depends upon the school district and our children deserve the best we have to offer. This means small class sizes, extracurricular activities, great memories and the ability to use their talents for the betterment of society.

Also if you can read this thank a teacher who probably is underpaid and underappreciated. Thank you staff at LPOSD for what you do

