Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 16, 2017 12:00 AM

It’s amazing how the world turns. It was the conservatives who basically stopped all of President Obama’s work to overcome the disaster that was the George Bush presidency. I thought we could not get a more ignorant, self-absorbed, egomaniac than Bush but now we have Donald Trump.

President Trump will try to undo all progress and protection for the middle class, deregulate big business, so the rich get richer and somehow we’re all better off?

I do remember 9/11. Wasn’t that where Osama bin Laden with other Saudi Arabians masterminded an attack on the U.S. and Republican President George Bush invaded Iraq in retaliation? I think that was the start of terrorism as we know it today. Does it seem we seek justice by blaming and punishing many innocent people, then as now? Oh, and wasn’t bin Laden brought to justice during President Obama’s term?

We, in North Idaho, have a one-item representative in Heather Scott with the Second Amendment, weapons for all. She does not support public schools or heath care for veterans. We have veterans committing suicide at alarming rates, and she wants them to have guns but not heath care.

Education is one of the most important gifts we can give our children. Good public schools are the best way to provide that education. Does it cost money? Yes, but it is worth it. Do not take advice from those opposed to public schools, regardless of costs. Do your own research. Roses do not always smell as they should.


Clark Fork