Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| February 16, 2017 12:00 AM

Kris Knowles, Sandpoint High School athletic director, is quoted in Rhe Daily Bee as saying, “There is a concerted, organized movement in our community that does not support public education. These people are not from Idaho …” “They care about … how they can profit from it.” This a decidedly disconcerting sentiment from a person in authority who is in a position to seriously influence students and their outlooks about life.

Just imagine if Kris, or his staff, which includes coaches, were to say to SHS athletes, “If the levy fails, you will not have a sports program.” That negative idea, which they are likely to pass on to their families (who vote) will put into their minds a negative outlook about their community and about how they face the upcoming sports season, which will make coaching even harder. Certainly, some coaches will come to Kris’ defense, but they know how easy it is to encounter negativity and capture positivity.

An even more negative outlook is the us-against-them mentality and even a xenophobic outlook. Kris rants, but he does not identify the people he is criticizing or which of them are “not from Idaho.” An insular, you’re-not-from-here attitude limits growth and accomplishment. It also appears to reflect the snobbish, elitist attitude prevalent in many areas of our country. Kris also fails to prove how “they can profit” from opposing his levy. Kris can be less hysterical, provide proof about his accusations and exhibit inclusivity.

