Saturday, June 01, 2024

Supplemental levy is a necessary request

| February 17, 2017 12:00 AM

Thank goodness for Dan Rose. He has finally uncovered Dr. Gerald Lewis for what he is: the string-puller behind the upcoming school levy. I thought the upcoming levy was a way to maintain the standards of our woefully unfunded schools, to take care of our kids, provide employers with educated applicants, and to better our community. But no. Apparently we owe this levy to Dr. Lewis and his family. And here I thought Geraldine Lewis was just working long hours in a unpaid position for the glamour, and her sister in-law was being rewarded at the White House for being one of the top counselors in the nation.

The scales have fallen from my eyes.

If we look even deeper into the family tree, we see that Dr. Lewis has four children and nine grandchildren who have been, or are being, educated in the LPOSD school system: this is clearly an unfair bias. I am still trying to find fault with his son, who returned to the community after his Sandpoint education and is now a respected dentist and giver to many charities like Kinderhaven. Also, I am trying to connect the dots that his son-in-law owns Dub’s, and this possible nefarious connection to the levy, but I will have get back to you on that.

Of course what I’m writing here is ridiculous. What I find to be even more ridiculous though, is the fact that these political extremists with their ironclad views of “fiduciary responsibility” would insist on burdening the school district with substantial expense to fulfill these frivolous document requests.

However, the most ridiculous? The most ridiculous is that we would hamstring our kids and their families, as well as our community by voting against a well-thought-out and much-needed levy. After all, we have approved supplemental levies for 17 years: doesn’t that say something about how the greater community feels about maintaining our educational standards?

Please: acquaint yourself with what this levy is about.

If you do I am confident you will see its wisdom and vote yes.

