Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 23, 2017 12:00 AM

Recently the Lake Pend Oreille School District changed the supplemental-levy information on its website and on the levy flyer to say that the levy funds “one third of all district staff, approximately 300 full- and part-time.”

This doesn’t match what it provided to the Elections Office in January to put on the ballot. What the ballot says is that the levy funds approximately 26 percent of staff, approximately 165 full-time positions.

So now 26 percent — a smidgen over one fourth — has morphed into one-third, and 165 full-time has become 300 full- and part-time?

Why the change? And why was this change made after the ballot was published?

How many other levy justifications made by the school district are suspicious?

I also question the $765,409/year for “100 percent of student activities and extracurricular funding.” If 100 percent is funded, why do students raise many thousands of dollars on their own for their extracurricular activities? Does the levy fund 100 percent or not?

Providing quality education for our students is vitally important for the future of the students and the future of our country. I am willing to pay my fair share for quality education, but only if the education process is efficient and effective. I don’t think I am the only citizen who wants the school district to be truthful and transparent on exactly how our money is to be used. I will vote no on this levy because there should be no irregularities in the levy justifications.

