Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 28, 2017 12:00 AM

What if the levy doesn’t pass? Will local schools be forced to close? Here is the heartbreaking truth — if the levy fails, in first year following the failure, the district will be forced to consolidate schools. Consolidating means some students will be left in the school, as would be the requirement by law, prior to full school closure. The school closure process is lengthy as the district must consolidate first.

Consolidation at an elementary level: Hope, Northside and Southside — only kindergarten students attend the schools and have the remaining grades move into other schools.

Consolidation at the high school level: Clark Fork will become a seventh-grade campus only and Clark Fork eighth- to twelfth-grade students would move into Sandpoint High School.

After these changes have been made, the school closure process would begin.

Translation: Extremely long bus rides, the displacement of all our children, (and I mean ALL our children) loss of qualified teachers/staff and overcrowded classrooms along with overpopulated facilities. These are just the tip of the iceberg. The ramifications of a “no” vote are catastrophic!

Please allow me to be clear in saying that it is LPOSD’s goal to keep ALL schools open. Passing the levy will provide the funding to do so.

I encourage you to visit our schools and see the real faces of students, staff and parents who directly benefit from your support. Vote yes on March 14.

