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| February 28, 2017 12:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID. 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Bonner County Board of Commissioners has announced the formation of a County Planning Board.

Appointed to the board are Dell Kitt, Star Route, Sandpoint; Claude Blanchard, Blanchard; R. W. Ammerman, First Federal Savings & Loan, Sandpoint; Art Nelson, Priest River; Bill Warren, Coolin; Mrs. Wally Erickson, Clark Fork; A. T. Peterson, Pacific Power & Light, Sandpoint; Thad Hunt, Sandpoint Realty; Coe Kiebert, Hope; Jack Ross, Public Health Department, Sandpoint; Dan Massing, U.S. Forest Service, Sandpoint; Everett Hofmeister, county attorney; Dr. Ed Mulch, Priest River; and Bob Doolittle, Priest River.

Ross, Massing and Hofmeister are listed as ex-officio members acting in an advisory capacity.

The group is scheduled to meet the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the office of the county commissioners at the courthouse.



Senator Len Jordan, (R-ID), is urging prompt action on a proposal to lower the voting age nationally to 18 years of age. Jordan is a co-sponsor of the matter introduced by Senator Mike Mansfield (D-Mont).

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

Feb. 28, 1917 — COUNTY NEWS

Colburn — Nearly two feet of snow fell last week and enough wind came with it to drift it badly in places. It was a week off for the men working in timber, for it was almost impossible to accomplish anything, there being already nearly two feet of packed snow on the ground.

Hope — A large audience attended the program given by the primary and intermediate rooms on Washington’s birthday. The whistling song and flag drill were especially good.

Glengary — Ole Hanson started for Sandpoint in his rowboat last Saturday but in coming close to Odin Bay found the wind so strong that the waves partly filled his boat with water which quickly froze to ice and also covered him with ice from the top o’ his cap down to his shoes. He finally gave in to the storm and returned with the wind to this side o’ the lake, almost exhausted from the work.

Bronx — We must apologize to the weatherman for accusing him last week of even thinking about spring. For, since that writing, instead of the snow going down it has risen like a loaf of bread to immense proportions and is still rising at this time — pretty, clean, white snow.

There was no school at the Bronx school house Monday and Tuesday on account of bad weather and roads.



Ted Doolittle, who is employed by the city council to keep the sidewalks cleared of snow, is certainly doing his duty. Never in the history of the town have the sidewalks been as passable.

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