Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 8, 2017 12:00 AM

The corruption of Sandpoint’s city council has spread all the way to Boise State University. Rather than have a simple up or down vote on the business improvement district, Jennifer Stapleton devised a scheme to let a couple of 22-year-old graduate students determine the future of the BID. One problem of many in this smoke-and-mirror trickery is that they never considered the obvious corruption in the BID’s history. No, this whole scam is now fresh as a spring day.

These students are learning how to deceive the public on behalf of a corrupt city council by manipulating the questions and inserting the absolute lies that were used to give the money to Kate McAlister with no supervision. City oversight was promised and yet they refuse to look.

Anyone attending a city council meeting realizes that Ms. Stapleton and Shannon Syth (treasurer) actually run the city. Neither of them is interested in auditing funds so generously given to the chamber of commerce with no ethical strings attached. So rather than look at the historical facts of what a waste the BID has been, BSU included the false FAQ sheet that started the scam.

The young skulls full of mush allowed Ms. Stapleton to manipulate the survey to better determine who likes and doesn’t like flowers. What? The question is, “Why has it cost $150,000 per year to provide flowers and mutt mitts that cost less than $20,000?”

I have advised the president of BSU of the matter and requested that he investigate this sham.

Audit the BID, flush the toilet or both.

