Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 12, 2017 12:00 AM

I agree to contribute to public schools. Even though I do not have any children of my own in the school system, I agree. The state allocates about 50 percent of its budget to K-12 public schools. Our children need a good academic education.

However, I do not believe I should be forced to pay for extracurricular activities. These used to be funded by parents, by student fundraisers, gate fees collected for athletics, concessions, and booster clubs. If an athletic team makes it to state finals, let’s raise the funds for them to go.

Some student groups already do fundraising; over $40,000 during the first year of the existing levy. Curiously, that happened in spite of the levy purportedly covering all extracurricular expenses.

It also looks like some activities may be favored over others.

Can anyone explain why there are 15 coaches for the Sandpoint varsity football team alone? They are all getting paid. Most of them are teachers who are earning extra on top of their teaching salary. Also, every club, from the Honor Flight Club to the Video Game Club, has a paid advisor. What happened to volunteer involvement? So now we have over 110 paid coaches and advisors for non-academic activities, and we’re even talking about longevity pay for coaches.

As valuable as these activities are, they are extras and beyond the academics. I am not asking to eliminate the programs — but shouldn’t they be self-funded?

Food for thought before you decide whether to vote for the $17 million supplemental levy.

