Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 17, 2017 12:00 AM

I live on a flat, paved, straight, two-lane road in Sagle. Every year the people who drive the snow plows on my street take out two or three mailboxes. They drive about 40 to 45 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone and have now made our street from two lanes to about one-and-a-half lanes plus filling everyone’s driveways with big piles of snow that have to be broken up before any normal person could move them out of the way.

After I complained to the county and spoke with the guy who takes care of this, he told me he would talk to the driver in our area. Boy, that will sure do a lot of good. I cannot reset the 4-inch x 4-inch timber that holds my mailbox as the broken one is frozen in the ground so who is going to fix my mailbox this year?

Where do these people get their licenses to operate a snow plow? Out of a cereal box?

