Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 19, 2017 12:00 AM

Vladimir Putin is accused of hacking into American Internet sites in an attempt to de-legitimize and downgrade our democratic elections and the Trump presidency. Our Intelligence community seems to confirm these unverified accusations. The far left immediately jumped on this tidbit of propaganda and began promoting this line of “news.” They were joined by the Hollywood extremists, highlighted by their homegrown video. Bernie and the socialists gleefully joined into this new conspiratorial militia. This far-left movement did not escape the attention of the Republican deadwood establishment who dispatched their apparently unemployed Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain to hotfoot it to the lead of this Putin-inspired militia parade. This Inauguration will be sabotaged by “whatever means” is required howled the clown leaders.

Does “whatever means” includes armed violence? This rebellion might be rationalized as “free speech” or political in-fighting up until Donald Trump proclaims, “So help me God,” and at that very moment this Putin/Democrat Party militia becomes an attack on the government of the United States of America by insurrection or treason. The American value of peaceful democratic transfer of power is at this very moment being assassinated. There are laws to prosecute this terrible crime.

