Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 2, 2017 1:00 AM

Progressivism, liberalism, socialism, call it whatever you want, just isn’t my cup of tea. I favor being an individual, not a member of a conformist society. I value my private property and prosperity and resent efforts to redistribute it to persons deemed worthy by a growing authoritarian and powerful government. I believe in real science not the new “social science” being rammed down our throats. I see real truth and do not recognize ideological social engineering. I just want to see our children educated not indoctrinated. I hope for stability in our society and not the constant transformational disease spread by the progressive carriers. In short, I just want to adhere to the Constitution and the law and order it maps out quite clearly.

It hurts to see the division in the country these days. Thanks to the new administration, we appear to be on the mend as a people and country. One can only appeal to the dark forces at work to cease and desist, we need to continue our role as the home of freedom in the world. I hope everyone enjoys the Fourth of July coming up and takes a moment to remember the bravery and sacrifice our forefathers exhibited to get us here.

