Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 4, 2017 1:00 AM

I called our senators, Crapo and Risch, and Rep. Labrador to start the process to prosecute Hillary for erasing 30 thousand emails and the Benghazi deal, where a United States ambassador and three navy seals were killed for her inaction.

Eric Holder on "Fast and Furious" deal that got a border guard killed with Holders thousands of weapons he sent across the border.

Rice and Lynch for their unjust of the laws of our great nation.

Obama for spying and unmasking during President Trump's campaign as he ran for president and after.

I pleasantly told those three employees of the people, representing Idahoans in Washington, D.C., to back President Trump 110 percent for me and my family. I can't understand why liberals and anti-President Trump persons want thugs and crooks such as Obama, Hillary, Rice, Lynch, Holder and others who are associated with those powerful, crooked employees of the people of our great nation, to keep running the affairs of government.

It just amazes me how liberal are thinking. Are they just not understanding our laws of the U.S.A., or just plain stupid as they became adults?

William D. Crawford
