Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 6, 2017 1:00 AM

Every president want a legacy — this is my view of Obama:

1. Many still wonder about his birth.

2. Both Obamas went to "Ivy" schools at little cost to them; little is known of activities.

3. Experience before presidency limited to "acorn" and senate duties.

4. After being elected, the first lady "now believes" in America.

5. Influenced by radical pastor.

6. First lady takes trips to Europe with large groups — costs? Meanwhile, we were told to "tighten our belts."

7. "Wild sailor" spending to "get us out of slump." Deficit up $10 trillion with spending going primarily to supporters — largest debt expansion in our history.

8. Health care law passed and signed with 60 percent opposed — famous "sign it and see what's in it later" by Pelosi, now failing under its own weight.

9. Apologies to other nations for past actions.

10. Continued "open border" policy. Some estimates up to 10 million illegals with costs to taxpayers.

11. So-called refugee program is 60 percent Muslim (Spokane has many). Little monitoring on who was admitted; now potential for cell blocks across United States. Muslim track record not good in U.S.

12. Established "safe cities." Taxpayer payments to New York City alone is $900 billion. I believe it's just a subsidy to big cities with liberal politics.

13. Condoned "war on cops," with rioting, etc.

14. Publicly praised Jane Fonda — asked prisoners of war about their feeling — a traitor?

15. Pardoned a convicted spy.

16. More pardons to convicted criminals than many previous presidents.

A great legacy.

